Company’s Mid-Winter Party

We just had our company’s mid-winter party tonight. What a blast! I thought it would be dull and boring – another corporate event. I was wrong. The company went all out, it was a fantastic dinner with a great band afterwards. I’ve not had this much fun at a corporate sponsored event in many many years. The company has made its 9th record year of growth, and I’m proud to have been a part of that – whether I made a big difference or not. Many of my co-workers in IT made it to the event, quite a surprise to all of us! We ended up shutting the place down at midnight (we live in Minneapolis, MN) and it was a great time without being “wild”.

To everyone who attended tonight, we’ll see you Monday – try to rest up tomorrow!

To the party planning commitee, who was made up of about 4 people, all I can say is Thank You for a great time and a well thought out and executed party.

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